On final evaluation of the new form fields filter, the hook name has been changed to wpmem_fields. Anyone using the above script that has it as wpmem_form_fields should change it to wpmem_fields when you update to 3.1.7 final release (or beta release candidate RC 3).
This shortcode displays a logout link wherever you want it.
By default, the link text will be “Click here to logout.” If you want custom text, nest it in the shortcode:
[wpmem_logout]My Custom Log Out Text[/wpmem_logout]
This shortcode displays a login/logout link, depending on the user’s login state. Note: this shortcode requires that a login page location be set in the plugin’s main options.
Default text for the links is “log in” and “log out”. These can be changed with the following attributes (3.1.5+):
[wpmem_loginout login_text="Sign In" logout_text="Sign Out"]
Note: both text attributes are optional. You can use one or the other, both, or neither.
There is also a redirect attribute for login (3.1.5+):
[wpmem_loginout login_redirect_to="http://mysite.com/my-page/"]
This shortcode displays a count of users. It can be used to display a total count of users on the site, users by role, or users by the value of a meta key.
Show a total count of site users (includes all roles) (3.1.5+):
Number of Site Users: [wpmem_show_count]
Show a count of users for a particular role (3.1.5+):
[wpmem_show_count role="role_slug"]
Show a count of users for a given meta key:
[wpmem_show_count key="some_key" value="some_value"]
Include an optional label in the shortcode:
[wpmem_show_count label="Total Users:"]
[wpmem_show_count role="subscribers" label="Total Subscribers:"]
[wpmem_show_count key="active" value="1" label="Total Active Users:"]
This shortcode can be used to display a user’s avatar image. NOTE: WP uses gravatar by default.
To show a user avatar that defaults to the current user:
To show an avatar for a specific user, pass the user’s email or ID using the “id” attribute:
[wpmem_avatar id=someuser@example.com]
[wpmem_avatar id=123]
wpmem_login_link & wpmem_reg_link
This shortcode generates a link to the login page or register page (if one is set in the main options).
The default text for the link will be either “Log In” or “Register” (depending on the shortcode used). Both shortcodes allow you to customize the text by nesting the content:
[wpmem_login_link]Log In Here[/wpmem_login_link]
[wpmem_reg_link]You may register here[/wpmem_reg_link]
Both links provide a redirect URL to the original page (the page the link was on).