Available Shortcodes
The plugin’s available shortcodes are described on the following pages:
Adding a Shortcode
When using the block editor (gutenberg), add a shortcode block (preferred) or a “classic” block. When using a shortcode block, you can type your shortcode directly into the block. When using the classic editor or a classic block, you can either type your shortcode into the content area, or you can select a shortcode from the shortcode menu item. It is also compatible with ClassicPress.
Shortcodes Used in Emails
There is a separate set of shortcodes for the plugin that are used strictly in the email content through the plugin’s email administration tab.
Using Email Content Shortcodes
Obsolete Shortcodes
Any shortcodes using the tag [[wp-members]] are now obsolete. If any of the old tags are used on your site, you may notice entries in your error log indicating that the tag has been deprecated. While the tag will continue to work for now, any of these shortcodes should be replaced with more recent tags. Here is a reference of the old shortcodes and their replacements.