Action hook gets user’s updated registration data after it is inserted.
All of the _data hooks can be used in a similar manner. The differences are if the user data has
been inserted or not. All of it has passed validation by the time it gets to the hook.
(array) (optional) The user’s submitted form data for the profile update.
(string) (optional) The user ID.
add_action( 'wpmem_post_update_data', function( $fields, $user_id ) { // Example to display the contents of the array. // Uncomment to use. // echo "<pre>"; print_r( $fields ); echo "</pre>"; // exit(); // Example of setting a custom meta field. $meta = 'my_meta_field'; $value = 'some value'; update_user_meta( $fields['ID'], $meta, $value ); // Note this is an action, so nothing needs to be // returned from the function. return; }, 10, 2 );
- Introduced in version 2.7.2
wpmem_post_update_data is located in /includes/api/api-users.php