Filters the form rows before they are put together for the form.
(array) (required) An array of the forms row elements. Each row element will include the following keys:
- row_before – HTML tags before the row
- label – HTML label tag
- field_before – HTML tags before the field input tag
- field – HTML input
- field_after – HTML tags after the field input tag
- row_after – HTML tags after the row
(string) (optional) Indicates the form that is being displayed (login|pwdreset|pwdchange|getusername).
(array) (optional) Array containing all of the form settings (what can be filtered with wpmem_login_form_args)
Introduced in version 2.9.0
Added $arr parameter in version 3.2.6
wpmem_login_form_rows is located in includes/class-wp-members-forms.php