This is a filter hook that allows you to modify the spam score used by reCAPTCHA v3.
reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score (1.0 is very likely a good interaction, 0.0 is very likely a bot). Based on the score, you can take variable action in the context of your site.
The default value used in the WP-Members plugin is 0.5. Use the filter to allow registrations with a lower value, or restrict to registrations with a higher value as needed.
More information from Google’s documentation for reCAPTCHA version 3.
(integer)(required) The score required to allow the captcha to pass (0.0 – 1.0). Use a lower value to allow more registrations, higher to restrict more registrations.
add_filter( 'wpmem_recaptcha_score', function( $score ) { /* * Return a score between 1 and 0.1. * A lower score will let through more results. */ return 0.3; });
- Introduced in extension version 3.3.9
is located in /includes/class-wp-members-recaptcha.php