This filter allows you to pass arguments to the User List to override default values set in the admin or passed through the shortcode. The wpmem_list_users function uses the wp_parse_args function to merge arguments passed through this filter with the following defaults:
$defaults = shortcode_atts( array( 'display_style'=> 'list', // list|table 'role' => 'subsriber', // role to filter by 'active_only' => true, 'verified_only' => true, 'exclude' => '', // comma separated string of user ids 'number' => 10, // number to display per page 'search' => true, // is search enabled, "true" 'search_by' => '', // comma separated string of meta keys 'fields' => 'user_login,member_since', 'local_avatar' => false, // whether to use a local avatar or gravatar 'avatar' => 45, // size of the avatar in pixels 'h2' => 'first_last', // 'order_by' => 'user_login', 'order_meta' => '', 'order' => 'ASC', 'show_titles' => false, 'show_empty' => true, 'filter_key' => '', 'filter_value' => '', 'fe_user_edit' => false, ), $atts, $tag );
(array) (required) An array of arguments that are to override form $defaults.
Introduced in extension version 1.4
wpmem_ul_settings_args is located in wp-members-user-list.php