Really Simple CAPTCHA can be used with the WP-Members plugin in place of the default reCAPTCHA.
What is the “more” tag?
What is the “more” tag?
A significant amount of content regarding WP-Members setup involves something called the “more” tag. This tag, which has been around since the beginning of WordPress, essentially does the job of creating an excerpt out of the content.
But what does it look like and how do you use it?Continue Reading →
Confirm password at registration and have password meet specific criteria
I’ve shown other code snippets for similar things – password validation at registration and having a password meet specific criteria. However, the password requirements example was geared toward a setup that was requiring this when a user changes their password (they were not allowing it to be set at registration).
So here is an example that combines the two of these elements at registration. Continue Reading →
Multiple Selection Checkboxes
With the new wpmem_register_form_rows filter hook introduced in 2.9, the process of dealing with multiple selection checkboxes becomes far less complicated than previously.
The previous method involved adding each checkbox as a field, and then all of the extra code we needed to handle multiple fields as one both for storing the data, handling user updates, and also in emailing admin notifications.
But 2.9 allows us to filter the rows directly in the array of rows and insert the extra html we need for this. That means you only need to create one field in the fields manager which makes handling the data much easier on the backend. I’ve even made the code snippets nearly cut-and-paste. In most cases, you should only need to specify the name for the checkbox group and the labels/checked values. Continue Reading →
Request additional data fields on a specific page
This particular example is a generic tutorial for requesting additional data fields in the registration form on a specific page. Since these are fields that do not show up in the regular registration form, we need to also present the data to logged in users to add this data.
While conceptually this is not an overly complicated process, the practical implementation has quite a few steps, so I will try to explain each step in the process while giving that particular code snippet being discussed at that point.Continue Reading →