- Improvements and additions to wp-login.php options.
- Define additional object properties.
- Adds customized wp-login.php options.
- Fixes a bug that causes a critical error on the password reset page.
- Fixes a bug that causes a variable type error when using the restriction by user option.
- Adds minified assets (CSS/JS).
- Updates plugin deloployment library to the most recent version.
- Updates utilities library to the most recent version.
- Plugin requires WP-Members 3.4 or higher.
- Added post restriction by user.
- Replaced deprecated function woocommerce_get_page_id() with wc_get_page_id().
- Update RocketGeek jQuery tabs library.
- Update RocketGeek Utilities library.
- Update plugin deployment to latest version.
- Update translation template.
- Clean up style for jQuery tabs when another plugin already loads the UI styles (e.g. WooCommerce).
- Replaced use of wpmem_inc_regmessage(), which is deprecated in WP-Members 3.4.0. Will use wpmem_get_display_message() if available.
- Updated dupe email check to explicitly check for false.
- Fixes a bug in the dupe email when the core plugin confirmation setting is enabled.
- Moved add_post_role_dialog() to main object (from admin object), prevents undefined array key in dialogs when the custom dialog is used.
- Updated remote API.
- Bug fix for undefined function in 2.2.2.
- Code comments cleanup.
- Added disable password changed notification to the admin as an additional option
- Updated change WP new user notification to use wp_new_user_notification hook rather than check email subject.
- Fix redirect to login if user is logged in but does not have required membership.
- Improved messaging for redirect to login if user is logged in but does not have required membership.
- Added redirect blocked content to WP login.
- Added additional parameters to wpmem_adv_update_notify_args (added $fields and $userdata).
- Added HTML email capability based on new setting in WP-Members 3.4.0 (requires WP-Members 3.4.0).
- Updated jQuery Tabs library.
- Updated RocketGeek plugin manager library.
- Replaced wp_redirect() with wp_safe_redirect().
- Applied new standard extension directory structure.
- Applied new jQuery tabs admin interface.
- Updated updates API to 1.2.3.
- Added logic for both wpmem_email_to_user() and wpmem_inc_regemail() for backward compatibility.
- Added feature to completely disable REST API for users who are not logged in.
- Added product access declined message when content is redirected to login (when user is logged in but does not have product access).
- Added translation template for localization.
- Added redirect_to return link to login failed message.
- Updated subject line scan for WP new user registration email.
- Upgraded updates API library to 1.2.1 version.
- Added WooCommerce send WP-Members admin notification when a customer registers.
- Added WooCommerce redirect_to (redirect blocked content to WC login).
- Added WooCommerce password reset filter (use WC password reset instead of WP-Members).
- Added WooCommerce product restriction (if product is restricted to a membership, product cannot be purchased unless the user has that membership access).
- Updated priority for dupe email actions to fire early (in case a redirect is done on default priority).
- Added filter for user email and notification email so that actual email (instead of the spoofed value) if it's a dupe.
- Initiate the $wpmem->advanced object.
- Replaced constants with object vars.
- Incorporate new version of updates API with own localization.
- Added WP-Members new user emails for WP.
- Added new javascript for changing screens.
- Fixed issues with admin notification on user update (undefined index, native fields, unchanged file field types).
- Incorporates new license key system and new updates API.
- fixed issue with wpmem_current_url() change in WP-Members 3.1.7.
- fixed rss feed disable to check for setting (was "always on").
- added disable rss feed option for bbPress and BuddyPress.
- completes the new restrict by role function.
- adds redirect for The Events Calendar post type.
- adds redirect for bbPress and add bbPress links to User Profile.
- adds field mapping for matching default WP-Members fields with default WooCommerce fields.
- improved restrict by role, added custom dialog functions.
- fixed issue with dupe email when user updates email address.
- added required role option.
- added all content redirect to wp-login.php option (private site).
- added validation for logout link setting incompatibilities.
- added validation for login redirect setting incompatibilities.
- added foward/backward compatibility for new $fields array.
- change to handling settings update.
- added easy digital downloads link redirect (if not logged in).
- fixes issue with add/remove user pages (ignore admin, check setting).
- add/remove user pages from menu based on login state
- remove all instances of wpmem_chk_qstr replaced with add_query_arg
- added redirect criteria filter
- identify specific role for viewing content
- added wpmem_adv_toolbar_capability filter
- wpmem_adv_dashboard_capability
- changed wp-members defaults redirects to radio selection so only one can be selected (avoids errors) wpmem_adv_wc_autologout_default wpmem_adv_wc_autologout_msg logic added to handle password reset if setting enabled AND email as username installed.