Filters the meta keys that may be displayed by the [wpmem_field] shortcode.
(array) (required) The user meta keys that are allowed to be displayed by the shortcode.
The default array includes the following default WP fields: ‘ID’, ‘user_registered’, ‘user_url’, ‘description’, ‘display_name’.
It will also include all of the fields by meta key in the WP-Members fields array (see the Fields tab) except for password and the email/password confirmation fields (which are not saved fields anyway).
Use this filter hook to remove or add any meta keys as needed. Only fields that are in the $allowed_fields array will be able to be displayed by the shortcode.
Introduced in version 3.4.9
wpmem_field_sc_meta_keys is located in includes/class-wp-members-shortcodes.php