The wpmem_exclude_fields filter allows you to filter the meta keys of fields you want to exclude from being stored in the wp_usermeta table.
Note: be sure to only add to the array and not simply create your own. You want to be sure to include the password and email defaults so these are properly skipped. Failure to do so could result in you storing data in the wp_usermeta table that you did not intend to keep.
(array)(required) An array of the excluded fields.
Introduced in version 2.9.3
add_filter( 'wpmem_exclude_fields', 'my_exclude_fields' ); function( $fields ) { // an array of extra fields to exclude $my_exclude_fields = array( 'some_data_field', 'some_other_data' ); // IMPORTANT // Include the original exclude fields in your new array! $new_exclude_fields = array_combine( $fields, $my_exclude_fields ); return $new_exclude_fields; }
See a list of all filter and action hooks