This tutorial will show you how to automatically log in a user when they successfully complete the registration form.
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Tips and Tricks
Create a wp-members-pluggable.php file so that it is editable in the plugin editor
WP-Members looks for a wp-members-pluggable.php file when it loads. This is where you can store your plugged versions of the WP-Members pluggable functions. To create the pluggable file, you need do nothing more than create a file named wp-members-pluggable.php and save it to your WordPress plugins folder.
But what if you would like to be able to edit this file within the WordPress admin panel using the plugin editor? This is a way for you to accomplish that. Continue Reading →
Create a sidebar login status and logout link
In some layouts, you may wish to not use the WP-Members sidebar widget for logging users in, but you may still want to display a user’s login status (when logged in) and provide a logout link. Here is how you can do that with a plain text widget. Continue Reading →
Workaround for registration form layout issues
In some cases, you may find some strange wrapping with the default WP-Members registration form. While the best solution is to customize the CSS with a custom stylesheet for your site, there is also a quick workaround that can be applied. Continue Reading →
Redirecting WordPress urls for login, logout, and registration
Depending on a number of factors, there may be places in your WordPress site where login and logout URLs are directing to the WordPress “backend” wp-login.php. These can be in the comments.php template or other places in your theme. Also, various plugins such as forums will utilize these urls.
This article will explain a simple way of redirecting these URLs to the login and registration pages set in WP-Members.
NOTE: The WP-Members Advanced Options extension has simple checkbox options to replace the native WP URLs for these actions with the WP-Members URLs.
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