That’s actually part of your theme’s comments.php template. You can make an easy modification to the theme comments.php file at the end where it generates the comments form with comment_form() – replace the comment_form(); call with this: Continue Reading →
Load a custom stylesheet with wp_enqueue_scripts
Setting up a custom stylesheet for the plugin gives your site a more polished and professional look as you can better integrate the look of the plugin’s forms to the look of your theme.
Remove the login form from the main content area
You should already know how to remove the registration form from the main content area – it’s one of the plugin’s settings. But what if you want to remove the login form? Or, what if you want to remove both forms?
This is a little filter trick that will show you how to remove the login form. Continue Reading →
Different contact forms based on login status
This is an demonstration of how to create different contact forms based on the user’s login status. This is a nice way to offer a specific contact form for users that are logged in and a different for for users (visitors) who are not logged. That also makes it easy to use different subject line prefixes so as to prioritize email responses. This is the same method that I use on this site.
Easier random password filter
On occasion, site admins are faced with a user base that needs things to be more simple. Here is some sample code to simplify the random password generated and emailed to the user.
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