The wpmem_txt shortcode is something that WP-Members puts in on the fly and its purpose is to prevent WordPress from putting line breaks (<p> and <br /> via the wpautop and wptexturize functions) into the form, thus throwing off the layout. This is one of those magic things that runs in the background that no one really knows about unless something breaks it.
Here is the problem: WordPress runs the shortcode parser on the content only once. By itself, that’s not a problem. However, if a plugin or theme developer includes a shortcode in their code and they do not use the function do_shortcode() on the $content variable before returning it, any shortcodes that are executed after theirs will be unparsed. For WP-Members, a bad practice like that will result in leaving wpmem_txt unparsed in your form.
So… how do you fix this? Continue Reading →