This post documents the new wpmem_login_form function updates for the upcoming 2.9 release. This content is currently only available to premium members. If you are not currently a member, find out more here. Continue Reading →
Search Results for: short code
Filters the auto generated post excerpt, if auto excerpts are being used.
Comes at the end of the process, after the $content variable has been truncated. The auto excerpt will be the number of words specified in the plugin options plus the “more” link.
(string) (required) The autogenerated excerpt.
(int) (optional) The post ID.
(strong) (optional) The WordPress post type of the current post.
(string) (required) The excerpt.
add_filter( 'wpmem_auto_excerpt', function( $content, $post_id, $post_type ) { global $post; return get_the_excerpt( $post ); // Alternative method if $post is not the current post object. // return get_the_excerpt( get_post( $post_id ) ); }, 10, 3);
- Introduced 2.8.1
- 3.0.9 Added post ID and post type parameters.
- 3.2.5 Post ID and post type may be false if there is no post object.
is located in /includes/class-wp-members.php
WP-Members 2.9 Project
With most of the work for WP-Members 2.8 project behind us, it is time to start thinking about 2.9. This update will focus on rebuilding the forms and the registration and login functions. There may also be some changes to the wpmem_securify and shortcode pages to extend their functionality.
The challenge with form redesign is that there are many people making use of the wpmem_register_form and wpmem_login_form filters that rely on the HTML being constructed in a certain way. Essentially, depending on what a filter function does, a change in tabs and line breaks in the HTML can break a filter. Continue Reading →
WP-Members 2.9 Project: wpmem_inc_registration function
This post documents the new wpmem_inc_registration function updates for the upcoming 2.9 release. This content is currently only available to premium members. If you are not currently a member, find out more here. Continue Reading →
WP-Members 2.8.6 Release
The WP-Members 2.8.6 release contains a couple of cleanup issues. First, a continuation of the stylesheet updates. Second, some minor code changes to correct some issues brought to light by some astute users. Here is a description of the various updates: Continue Reading →