The Security extension has been updated to version 1.5.0. This version includes some fixes and updates, and it makes some database changes.
Database Changes
This version finalizes the transition from “blacklist” to “banlist” nomenclature. As such, it changes the option setting that saves the values. Any values you have saved to the old blacklist settings will be migrated to the banlist.
There is a new log table added for tracking rejected spam when using either or Akismet. If either of these are enabled, any registration that is rejected will be recorded in the log. The results can be viewed in the dashboard by going to Dashboard > Blocked Registration
Feature Updates
Along with the additional log screen mentioned above (Blocked Registrations), this update also includes the ability to create custom password rules.
If custom password rules are enabled, then the password strength meter and generate password button options are disabled. It’s an “either/or” proposition.
Enabling the custom password rules option will add a subtab for the password rules you want to apply. They are:
- Require minimum length
- Require X number of uppercase letters
- Require X number of lowercase letters
- Require X number of numbers
- Require X number of special characters
You can enable any or all, and customize the number used.
Code Updates
This update revises the queries used in displaying all of the custom list tables in order to load offset results. This speeds up page loads.
All of the object classes were reviewed to make sure that all class variables are declared. This is for PHP 8.2+ compatibility.