The WP-Members PayPal extension has received an update that fixes a couple of bugs and refines the processing for the transaction screen:
- Bug fix in the IPN price validation
- Bug fix in pending user purge export screen
- Bug fix in the admin profile update
This version also adds some WP CLI commands as experimental:
- wp mem pp expire
- wp mem pp extend
- wp mem pp get <what>
To make it easy to handle users, all of the CLI commands accept one of the following arguments:
- –id=<user_id>
- –login=<user_login>
- –email=<user_email>
The “get” command (wp mem pp get) can do two things (currently):
- wp mem pp get user
- wp mem pp get txn_list
If you use “get” to get a user, you will have to pass one of the arguments above to specify which user to get. The “get user” command returns the user’s expiration type (either “pending”, “trial”, or “subscription”) and expiration date. You can use the “extend” command to extend any user.
One last thing in this update is the inclusion of the IPN error message in the “action taken” field for the new log feature. This should make the new log more useable.