WP-Members, like a lot of other WordPress plugins, follows the WP database schema and stores data for custom user fields in the wp_usermeta table. This allows for better integration with other WP plugins that may also have/use custom user fields. Because WP-Members allows its fields to be customized, you can create and use fields that match the meta keys of any other plugin.
s2Member on the other hand, has a proprietary format for custom registration fields. Instead of storing it as user meta, it saves a single field of user data and places all of the user’s registration data in an array. This proprietary format not only makes the data incompatible with other plugins, it also makes it difficult to migrate to another platform if necessary.
If you are migrating to WP-Members you can use the WP-Members s2Member User Conversion Utility.
This utility loads in the WP-Members admin panel as a tab (WP-Members must be installed and activated). From there, you can map any s2Member fields to any WP-Members field. When the utility is run, it will process all users in the wp_users table, extracting the s2Member user data for all custom registration fields and saving it as single user meta entries under the meta key for the mapped WP-Members field.
Note that while WP-Members is required to be installed for this process to work, you do not need to be using WP-Members to take advantage of this tool. If you simply want to extract the s2Member custom registration field data for users and save it as single user meta for broader compatibility, you can install WP-Members, set up custom fields to match the user meta values you need, then use the utility to map the s2Member fields to these custom fields.
Download the Extension: [download_button url=”https://rocketgeek.com/?a=download&key=03423acb7c15f4ebf6323ef9004f6afd”]