If you need or require strong passwords for your site, there are certain settings in WordPass that will help with this.
In WordPass Pro, set the following:
- Choose case setting: First Letter Uppercase
- Number of words in password: 4
- Number of random characters: 0
- Number of special characters: 0
- Leetify result: unchecked
This will generate a four word password where each word is begins with an upper case letter. As long as your word list consists of enough words that are long enough, this will consistently generate a strong password by WP’s password strength meter.
A good mix of shorter and longer words will improve the resulting password strength. This is because the WP password strength meter looks for patterns. A four word password with each word beginning with an upper case letter where the words are several different lengths provides a “patternless” result when it comes to where the upper case letter occurs. If all the words were the same character length, this would not be the case, so having many different length words will improve the strength of the result.