Here is a quick little snippet that will allow you to timestamp a user’s profile when they update their data. This will allow admins to know quickly how current the information is. Continue Reading →
Tips and Tricks
Integrating with Easy Digital Downloads
Easy Digital Downloads is an incredibly popular plugin that allows you to create a digital product store using WordPress.
You can require users to be logged in to checkout in EDD, but that does not restrict a download link from being used when the user is not logged in. Restrictions can be put on the link in terms of number of times it can be downloaded and disable redownload, but that can lead to a poor user experience – being over protective can create problems for legitimate users while protecting what amounts to a “perceived” risk rather than real.
But you can integrate with WP-Members to force a user to be logged in to actually download the file. This way, even if the link is known and not expired, the user will be redirected to login if they attempt to download without being logged in.
Use the MailChimp Integration Extension API to Add MailChimp Data to User Profile
The new MailChimp Integration Extension includes a user API in version 2.0. This can be used to call information about any specific list member without having to worry about formatting the request to send through the actual MailChimp API. The extension’s user API does this for you.
This is an example using the extension’s API function wpmem_mc_get_list_member() function to retrieve the list member’s MailChimp information and display some of it on the admin user profile. We will use the WP-Members action hook wpmem_admin_after_profile to display this at the bottom of the WP-Members section of the profile. The end result will add a a line like the image below to the WP-Members section of the user profile
How to remove old block meta keys
Historically, the plugin’s method of blocking or unblocking individual posts and pages was with the meta keys “block” and “unblock”. These were replaced in 2.9.8 with a single post meta key “_wpmem_block” with a value of either 1 or 0.
The plugin continues to read the old meta values, so there is no requirement to change or update these. The only time this matters is if the blocking of an individual post or page that may have one of these old values needs to be changed. Continue Reading →
Use the Admin API to add a decline activation email
When using moderated registration, users are sent an email when they are activated. This tutorial describes how to create an email when the user is deleted instead of activated.
This example uses the Admin API function wpmem_add_custom_email() to add a custom email that is sent to users when they are deleted.Continue Reading →