The Blacklist add-on will allow you to prevent registration based on the user’s IP address, email address, or username. You can also set an error message for each one of these criteria.
New registration blacklist add-on
Home of WP-Members, The Original WordPress Membership Plugin
Chad Butler · ·
The Blacklist add-on will allow you to prevent registration based on the user’s IP address, email address, or username. You can also set an error message for each one of these criteria.
Chad Butler · ·
I have a challenge creating a title for this tutorial, so to describe what it covers, I recently had a question regarding how to dynamically put a redirect back to the original content into the link to the login page. In this instance, the user had customized how they were using the plugin and rather than having the login in place of blocked content as is the default, they had a link to the login page. Continue Reading →
Chad Butler · ·
As much as I try to make the plugin as flexible as possible with a framework that includes lots of hooks for customization, every once in awhile a question pops up that forces me to think outside the box, so to speak. Case in point, I recently received a question in the forum about putting a first name greeting into the body of the welcome email that goes to a user upon new registration. Seemingly intuitive and simple, that particular field is not readily available to the email function. BUT… have no fear, there is a very simple customization that makes it (and other fields) available to the email filter. Continue Reading →
Chad Butler · ·
Many users of WordPress and WP-Members also use the Genesis framework (including me!). I have started to create stylesheets for the plugin that will work better with the Genesis child themes that are available from StudioPress. I’ve put together a package of the custom stylesheets currently available as well as a script for adding them to them to the dropdown in the plugin’s options.
Chad Butler · ·
Recent versions of the plugin have improved support for some of the WP native fields such as nickname, user_nicename, and display_name. I will be continuing to improve support for these fields. Currently, if you want to add something like the Display Name field to the front end of the plugin, you need a little customization. This post will take you through adding that to the front-end user profile update.
This needs to be done in the user profile update and not at registration because WP bases these fields on data used in registration that is not available on the static form – the nickname, the username, and first/last name. This tutorial focuses on adding it to the user profile update, much like WP’s backend (which doesn’t set this at registration, either). Continue Reading →
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