The plugin comes with some screens that add to the various queries in the Users > All Users table. If you are using moderated registration, one of those shows users who have not yet been activated. But what if you want a screen for showing ONLY users who have been activated? Here is a simple code snippet you can add to your functions.php to add that query. Continue Reading →
PayPal Subscription Extension Bulk Extend Users Snippet
This post has been set to “draft” as this feature is now part of the extension and this snippet is no longer needed.
At present, the PayPal Subscription Extension provides for bulk expiring users, but not for bulk application of an expiration extension.
This code snippet will add a bulk extend process to the bottom menu selection. The bulk action dropdown will include “Extend” and there will be a number of periods selection and then a selection for the time period.
If I have opportunity to improve on this process, it may make its way into the PayPal Subscription Extension. For now, in order to make use of this functionality, add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file. Continue Reading →
Configure the PayPal extension for two tiered pricing
The new 0.4 version of the PayPal extension adds a number of new hooks, including some filters that, among other things, will allow for easier customization of multi-tiered pricing. This post will describe the basic code snippets needed to establish a two tiered pricing model.
This example makes the assumption that the user chooses between the two options at registration.
Block Posts After a Set Number of Page Views
On occasion, the question of how to only prompt to login after a specific number of page views or an amount of time has passed. While there is no real fool proof way to implement this type of process, there are some ways you can implement it if this is right for you.
This demonstration will focus on requiring a user to login on blocked content after a set number of pages have been viewed on the site. Continue Reading →
Restrict content by user level
I have written code snippets before on how to restrict content by user level, but that particular code snippet is based on using categories as the user levels, with higher level users still being able to access lower level content. For example, Silver, Gold, and Platinum level users having access or not to categories of the same name.
But what if you have content that you need to block by level that is not necessarily in a category? Or what if you are using pages that need the same level of restriction.
Here is a code snippet that will allow you to assign a “level” to any content – post or page, and then assign a user level for the users. This example provides a working code snippet for applying a series of progressive levels (higher level users have access to lower level content). The example begins with three generically named levels, these can be renamed and expanded or contracted as needed.Continue Reading →