In the case of moderated registration, where the user may not receive access to the site right away, you may find that you want to show the successful registration message, but eliminate the login form that shows below it by default. Here is a method to do that using the wpmem_login_form
User Settings Page
The User Settings Page is customized with a relatively simple filter hook in the plugin using the method described in this post. Read on for the exact script that I am using here. Continue Reading →
Simple MailChimp integration
Note: this example predates the introduction of the MailChimp Integration extension. I recommend that you use that extension instead as it is far easier to use and also utilizes the latest MailChimp API (version 3.0).
Here is an example of a simple integrating MailChimp with the WP-Members registration process. This could be modified to suit similar integrations as long as there is an API to hook into. Continue Reading →
Change the WordPress new user registration email to use the WP-Members email
This is a script that will allow you to set up a plugin to change the native WordPress new user registration email (the one that comes from WordPress when a new user is registered) to use the WP-Members new user registration email. Continue Reading →
Bootstrap icons for the login form
This example shows how to add some bootstrap icons to the login form inputs. If you look at the screenshot to the left, this is what we will be making. Note: this example assumes that the user has applied WP-Members Bootstrap stylesheet, and has a theme that is using the Bootstrap css.
Even if you are not using Bootstrap, this is a good demo of how to filter the login form for more control over the look and feel. You can still use the example code, even if you are not using Bootstrap. You won’t get the form to look exactly like the example, but you will get a good idea of what you can do for customizing form elements.
As bonus, we’ll add a little twist to filter the login button as well, using the bootstrap button styles. That’s what makes that pretty blue button. Continue Reading →