The WP-Members plugin does not exercise any control over WordPress native fields as far as removing them from the User Profile. The plugin only determines if you are using these in the front-end elements of the plugin (such as front-side registration and front-side user profile). If you are not using a handful of these fields and would like to remove them from the User Profile (, you can do that with a little bit of scripting in your functions.php file. Here are some examples. Continue Reading →
Displaying the post access level when using the PayPal addon
Here is a handy function that I wrote to display the post access level when a user is not logged in OR they have registered and logged in, but have not yet completed payment.
If you use the PayPal addon module, you may find this useful for all kinds of different ideas. The concept is easily adapted from what is displayed here.
Continue Reading →Utility function to determine if a user registration is pending with the PayPal addon
For users that are diving into customizing their installation and using the PayPal addon, here is a utility function that will allow you to determine if a registered user is pending (i.e. they have not yet paid). This can be useful for content display that you may intend for any registered user regardless of payment status, or some other use.
I use this function on the site to display information on which posts are free and which a only for paid premium users. This information displays if the user is not logged in OR if they registered and are logged in but did not yet complete payment. Continue Reading →
WP-Members 2.8.2 bug fix for “string contains…” when using auto excerpt
This is one of those odd things that slips through quality control before a full release package. There is an artifact in the code that was there for debugging a new feature and this inadvertently made it into the production version. Continue Reading →
Email Admin When a User Updates Registration Data
Here’s a request I get from time to time – how can the admin receive email notification that a user updated their data, so I figured it is about time to put that together as a tutorial.
This one should be fairly straight forward and can be used cut-and-paste for the general features. As usual, I’ve tried to comment the code so that you know what is happening where and more advanced users can build on this concept from there. Continue Reading →