Suppose you want to give users the chance to opt-out of displaying a specific field in the User List profile, such as email. Here is a way to create a field that you can use to have users opt-out of displaying certain data.Continue Reading →
Create an option for users to opt out of User Directory
This code snippet is specifically for the User List extension, which many users use to implement a User Directory. The code snippet discussed here will demonstrate how to include on option in the registration form for users to “opt out” of being displayed in the directory.
Continue Reading →Remove all widgets except the WP-Members login from the sidebar
A frequent support question is how to prevent widgets from displaying if the user is not logged in.
This could potentially be a broad topic, depending upon what the user has in mind. But an approach that removes all widgets that are not the WP-Members login widget is a fairly straightforward process. Continue Reading →
Blocking Content from Builder Plugins
WP-Members has always focused on content contained in the WordPress $content variable. More recently, the popularity of builder plugins such as Page Builder by SiteOrigin or Elegant Builder from Elegant Themes has raised the issue of blocking content that is not necessarily stored in the same manner.
Note: as of version 3.0.4, the priority of WP-Members filter hooked to the_content has been changed to accommodate builder plugins. The priority is now 99, so unless another plugin sets its priority at 100 or higher, WP-Members will come after it (which is what you want). I’ve left the information in this post intact as it may be useful for some applications, but for most users, it will be unnecessary.
The post focuses on the general approach to blocking content from these types of plugins and includes code snippets you can use for the two plugins mentioned above.
Continue Reading →Add a user screen to show active users only
The plugin comes with some screens that add to the various queries in the Users > All Users table. If you are using moderated registration, one of those shows users who have not yet been activated. But what if you want a screen for showing ONLY users who have been activated? Here is a simple code snippet you can add to your functions.php to add that query. Continue Reading →