I’m working on some new plugins that will begin to be released during the month of October. Continue Reading →
Exciting new plugins to be released soon
Home of WP-Members, The Original WordPress Membership Plugin
Chad Butler · ·
I’m working on some new plugins that will begin to be released during the month of October. Continue Reading →
Chad Butler · ·
When working with a development site for testing, a common question is how to migrate. What is a quick way to copy a site to a development copy and vice versa?
For me, I often use WP-CLI for this purpose. WP-CLI is the Command Line Interface for WordPress. It allows you to manage your WP site completely from the command line. It is very powerful and very fast. No waiting for page loads in admin panels when using WP-CLI.
When I started using WP-CLI, you had to install it yourself, which could be somewhat intimidating for someone who doesn’t normally work with command line tools. But today, many hosts include this as already installed and ready for your use. You only need to know how to connect via SSH (Secure SHell). Personally, I use PuTTY, but you can use whatever tool suits you.
Here are the steps that I use to make a development copy of my live site:
Continue Reading →Chad Butler · ·
This article will discuss some elements of the login form that sometimes confuse users (and admins). Some of these concepts are not necessarily specific to WP-Members (or even WordPress) while some are, and some overlap. Continue Reading →
Chad Butler · ·
The WP-Members Download Protect extension received an update today. It’s a small update, but it adds a lot of flexibility.
Now, uploads can be done and managed by users with “upload_files” capability. So you don’t have to rely solely on the administrator for handling file uploads. This is good for larger organizations where Authors and Editors may need to also handle adding files, or in developer/client relationships where the client does not necessarily have access to options and settings.
Chad Butler · ·
This article describes a custom code snippet that will change the search form for the User List. It flips the field order (to “Search by” first and “Search for” second). The second thing it does is apply some jQuery to change the input type for “Search for”.
If the “Search by” field represents a checkbox, multiple checkbox, select, multiple select, or radio field as its WP-Members field type, then the “Search for” is changed to a dropdown selection of the possible values of that field. Continue Reading →
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